Collection: For the Farm Family

I was blessed to marry into a farm family in the heart of the Mississippi Delta.  I have learned a lot in the last 15 years, starting with the fact that farmers do NOT if fact let their crops die in the field.  I am slightly embarrassed about how little I knew about the agriculture world before I married into a farm family.  

I created these pieces to highlight some of the crops that have meant something to my family over the years and through different generations.  Not just the crops, but the wildlife that surrounds us. 

The community that I live in is deeply rooted in agriculture, and everyone is involved in some way, shape, form, or fashion.  From the mechanics, the Ag pilots, the truck drivers, the extended farm families, the port employees, all the way to the church member that is praying for a good harvest.  An agriculture community runs deep with support and love, and I'm so honored to be a part of an amazing one.