Meet the Artist

I have been "creating" since before I can remember. I've gone from painting in my parent's garage to painting in my "art room" in my family's home (there is/was paint on the floor in both places). Art, in any form, has always been my favorite way to let out emotions and express myself.  I am so blessed to have had parent's that encouraged me, and to now have a husband and kids that encourage me to keep "making things."

I am (in my imagination at least) the Everyday Ms Frizzle. I teach STEM to K3 through Sixth grade in the Mississippi Delta. I am married to a farmer, and we have two kids that make us laugh more than I thought we ever could. 

I am a "maximalist" through and through. Give me all the sequins, all the color. I am full on dressed to a theme or I am in athletic-leisure. There is no in between. My style goes from fine art to cutesy daily.  I love all things that bring joy to others and make people smile.  

My hope through my artwork is to bring a little "local art" to "local people" and make it easy to add an artistic flair to the everyday.